
发布时间:2025-02-18 08:49


Olympias名字怎么读:Olympias读 [əˈlɪmpiəs], 真人发音:









1. Olympias(奥林匹亚斯):古希腊国王亚历山大大帝的母亲,是埃匹鲁斯王国的公主,也曾是一位神秘的巫师。她影响了她儿子的成长和战争策略,被认为是一个强大而复杂的女性形象。

2. Olympias de Gouges(奥林匹亚·德·古热斯):法国启蒙时期的女性作家和社会改革者,她写了许多演讲、戏剧和政治宣言,倡导女性权利、废除奴隶制和改革刑法。她于1793年因为反对法国大革命的恐怖统治而被斩首。

3. Olympias Mira(奥林匹亚斯·米拉):塞浦路斯女歌手和诗人,她在20世纪60年代和70年代期间成为了地中海地区最受欢迎的音乐家之一。她的歌曲通常涉及爱情、自由和塞浦路斯的文化遗产。

4. Olympias of Epirus(埃匹鲁斯的奥林匹亚斯):古希腊女王,是亚历山大大帝的母亲的姑妈。她在公元前4世纪对希腊和马其顿的政治格局产生了重大影响。她嫁给了马其顿国王腓力二世,成为亚历山大大帝的继母。

5. Olympias Patera(奥林匹亚斯·帕特拉):美国宇航员,曾在国际空间站上工作。她于1998年成为第二个进入太空的非洲裔女性,并在接下来的几年里参与了多次航天任务。她是NASA的一位资深科学家和航天员,曾在地球和太空中进行了多项研究。



Olympias is such a unique and powerful name.


I love the historical significance behind the name Olympias, as it was the name of Alexander the Great's mother.


Whenever I hear the name Olympias, I can't help but feel a sense of strength and resilience.


Olympias is such a powerful and captivating name. It reminds me of the ancient Greek queen who was known for her strength and determination. Just like her, anyone with the name Olympias is bound to leave a lasting impression. It's a name that carries a sense of regality and grace.


Olympias is a name that exudes strength and resilience. It has a mythical quality to it, like a warrior from ancient times. It's a name that demands attention and commands respect. With Olympias as a name, one can conquer any challenge that comes their way and emerge victorious.


Olympias is a name that carries a sense of greatness and ambition. It brings to mind the grandeur of the Olympic Games and the determination of the athletes who compete in them. With Olympias as a name, one is reminded to always aim for the highest goals and never settle for less. It's a name that inspires and motivates.


Olympias is a unique and powerful name that evokes images of strength and determination. It has a regal and majestic quality that sets it apart from other names. The name Olympias brings to mind the ancient Greek city of Olympia, where the Olympic Games were held. It is a name that carries a sense of history and heritage. Olympias is a name that is both striking and beautiful, making it a great choice for anyone looking for a name that stands out.


Olympias is a name that exudes power and femininity. It has a mythical quality to it that adds intrigue and mystery. The name Olympias reminds me of a strong and fierce warrior queen. It possesses a certain allure that captivates attention. It is a name that demands respect and commands attention. Olympias is a name that is bold and memorable, making it a great choice for someone who wants a name that makes a statement.


Olympias is a name that carries a sense of grandeur and prestige. It has a timeless quality that transcends trends and fads. The name Olympias is elegant and sophisticated, yet also strong and commanding. It has a certain air of royalty that sets it apart from other names. Olympias is a name that is both classic and unique, making it a perfect choice for someone who wants a name that embodies both tradition and individuality. It is a name that will surely leave a lasting impression.


